Sunday, July 31, 2011

A poem by me

-Ode to weight-
by KK
I love my bright blue eyes
I do not love my rounding thighs
I delight in my full lips
I fright at my bulging hips
The perfect curve of my ear
Does not detract from the roundness of my rear
The proud lines of my neck
Does not hide that my cankles are a wreck
My personality may make us chummy
But it still looks like I have a baby in my tummy

Weight, we are forever engaged in battle
I want you to know I will no longer prattle
Soda, white starches and candy are your rangers
Stress and emotion your vessel of dangers
But I am on to you, weight, I know your game
My excuses will no longer be lame
I will rise from the lazy I call life
And become a better mother and wife.

 So good luck to us both, the game is on
You've won thus far but that time is forgone
I got me some knowledge and love on my side
time to show you, I do have pride.
Bring on you brownies, beer and bread
I've been practicing tae bo and will  knock 'em dead!


  1. Love it!! You should get it published! You've always had such talent when it comes to artistic..ness =) writing and drawing.

  2. Yep! It's amazing- and so are you! Love the poem!
