Sunday, July 3, 2011

Self esteem is a funny thing

It's really not so funny but I have noticed that if I do not look at myself in the mirror I have alot more confidence in myself and my appearance.  It seems to me the longer I don't see my widening reflection the better I feel about myself!  I believe the word here would be "avoidance" and what I need to work on is "acceptance" I know I am a funny smart determined woman but I often let myself think otherwise, because at times in my life I have been told otherwise and it's always easier to believe lies than to stay true to yourself.  My husband is amazing at reminding me daily how great I am and I know I need to keep on keepin on!


  1. “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”
    Abraham Lincoln quotes

  2. I'm the same way Sis. I can go through most of the morning thinking I must look great in my cute, yet casual thrown-together look with my hair wisps across my face like Belle. Then the mirror tells me to take a shower and put on some makeup. I guess you and I have a quite a few things in common. I understand how hard it is to get over comments once said by someone that supposedly has your back. I think those 2 people we are thinking of had to clip our wings to keep us down with them. Now we have 2 men that encourage us to fly.

  3. Thanks sis and thank God for good men ;)

  4. Oh man, you two are so awesome.

    Krista, during my break at work tonight, I read through all your posts and loved them, loved them, loved them. While I was making the long drive home, I just kept feeling like I had read something really inspirational recently. And I was like, what was that? Oh yeah, it was Krista's blog. You are one of those enviable people who are comfortable being yourself and being in your own skin, and that makes you able to connect with people. I love that trait and really want to be like you when I grow up. :) Random, I know, but I just think that what you are doing is awesome.

    Amy, I completely know what you mean. I so often have this idea that I am just totally pulling off the casual, no-effort look, and then the mirror shows me how far reality is from what is inside my head. I think that's how people end up on those makeover shows. :) For what it's worth, I think mirrors don't really show the whole picture either. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

    Anyway, I feel like a lucky sister-in-law.

  5. I'm not a girl who cries but Mandy you sure did find a soft spot in me when I read that. Thank you for writting thank and thank you for your support! I know I speak for Amy when I say we very much feel lucky to have you for a sister in law!
    p.s. I envy your strong arms. I have always wanted pretty toned arms like you. Mine look more like my Grandma Darlene's. (Love you grandma, dislike your arms)
