I'm angry, I'm frustrated I am tired. I am at 190 again. I know why, I have been working odd hours and eating really bad food. I am sick of reading these silly diet books that tell me they know the best way for me to live. I am sure that anyone, and I mean anyone who doesn't eat any carbs or fruits or processed food for two meals of the day and then eats two cups of salad before their dinner will loose weight. I am also sure that anyone who makes so many small changes it adds up to a whole new lifestyle change, they will lose weight too. In fact, I am sure than anyone who sticks to any diet or dramatic lifestlye change will lose weight. Sigh. It's just not for me. I love food I love beer and I am an emotional eater who does it to much. Do I sound angry or whiney? I meant to sound angry but I think I am sounding a little crazy. So I am making this commitment to myself. I will start working out. What good is all this anger just pent up? Not much, it just gets worse until I want to throw something and watch it break! Today I bit the proverbial bullet and exercised. I decided if I was just going to sit here and feel angry and sorry for myself I would get more out of it if I at least tried. So I tried. The first disc is 40 minutes and I made it 30. Not bad. I feel pretty dang good too (but don't tell anyone) Day one of ninety. What's ninety days= Twelve weeks= three months? I can do this. I at least am going to try!
Oh yeah! Great way to work out that anger! You go! P90X is tough stuff! Let us know if you can walk tomorrow :)