There was an article awhile back about the mental disorders of Disney Princesses. I would like to counter that with a discussion of Disney Princes. Seriously these dudes are kinda messed up, no wonder we girls settle for so much (and no wonder the princess have issues).
After much thinking and pondering of the heart I am in full support of Prince Philip being the man. Really, you try to find fault with him. Prince Phillip falls in love with Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) then gets captured by the evil Maleficent. Prince Phillip fights his way out of capture, kills Maleficent and rescues Aurora from eternal slumber. Sigh. Oh love.
Okay so:
The Prince (Prince Ferdinand) from Snow White: Manic Depressive! Comes in singing and convinces Snow white he is awesome and she is in love. Then he totally disappears while she is almost murdered, flees for her life and lives in a cottage with eight tiny men. Show's up at the end looking good and rested to save the day.
Prince charming from Cinderella: Narcissistic! Spends all night dancing with Cinderella and doesn't ask her name? Then sends the whole kingdom out looking for her and he couldn't even give them a description to narrow it down???
Prince Eric: Player! Can’t find one good girl to marry in his entire kingdom? Then he finds a girl who is beautiful and makes him laugh but she doesn’t talk so he is very hesitant to take the relationship any further. Dumps her like yesterday’s garbage as soon as a young pretty singing girl comes along. I do give him points for realizing his mistake and fighting for Ariel once he figures his shit mistake out. (Did you know he is the only Prince not to sing??)
The Beast (Prince Adam) Intermittent explosive disorder! (Impulsive aggression is unpremeditated, and is defined by a disproportionate reaction to any provocation, real or perceived) What an angry, angry man. Belittles his staff and refuses to give an old lady shelter. It only gets worse when he becomes an animal! He scares his staff and tears his castle apart. Takes Belle’s father as captive then has a tizzy fit when she doesn’t want to eat with him and runs away. Doesnt he know that hate leads to more hate? Where's the love? Oh yeah, Belle.
Aladdin: Klepto and pathological liar! This boy has problems. Yes he has to steal to eat but he really seems to enjoy it. Then there is the problem that he has trouble just telling the truth. Lies to the guards, lies to Genie, lies to Princess Jasmin, lie lie lie. Won't that boy ever learn?
Prince Naveen: Lazy and gold digger! This prince gets cut off from mom and dad’s money supply so he hops a ship to America so he can marry a rich girl! It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know or love this girl so long as she has money to support his current life style. Then when he messes up and becomes a frog, he relies solely on Tiana to get him out of his mess. Don't you worry he get's his princess in the end.So there you go, our male role models we set our girls up to watch over and over again. Is it any wonder they don’t know better?
Hahaha love this. It is so true!